St. Anne's Primary School

News of the week April 12th


Ms. O’ Donoghue’s 3rd Class:

Hi my name is Zach and I’ll be reading our news today. We enjoyed our Easter holidays and ate lots of chocolate eggs. We are happy to be back and to see our friends again. In SESE this week, we learned all about the GAA. Did you know that there are GAA clubs found all over the world? We enjoyed learning about our local GAA club St Marks. We loved seachtain na gaeilge and we have been really trying to speak as Gaeile as much as we can in class. Our teacher is very impressed with the amount of Gaeilge we know now since we started 3rd class. We finished our class novel Diary of a Wimpy Kid and we really enjoyed it. We made some beautiful cityscape art yesterday and our teacher loves them! Happy Friday everybody I hope you have a great weekend!

Mr. J Langtry’s 3rd class:

Hi my name is Julie and I’ll be reading the news today. We had a great Easter and enjoyed our return to school this week. We have been learning all about Italy in SESE and completed group projects on it together in class. Teacher was very impressed with how they turned out. We have been learning how to read maps in geography and also all about the GAA. Did you know there are Gaelic football clubs in cities like Singapore and Madrid?We enjoyed Seachtain na Gaeilge and have been trying hard to keep speaking Irish as much as possible in class. We have been learning how to play dodgeball in P.E and it's so fun. Happy birthday to Madison who will turn 10 on Sunday. Have a great weekend everyone!

Ms. Foley’s 4th Class:

Hi my name is Kayla and I will be reading the news for our class today. We have had a lovely two week break and enjoyed having a break from school.

We have been very busy in 4th class since our last assembly.

In history and geography we have been learning all about Space. We learned all about the space race and we even painted a solar system as part of our art this week.

In gaeilge we have been learning all about Sa bhaile and verbs in the past tense.

In maths Miss Foley’s group started long multiplication. Our teacher is really impressed with how well everyone is doing with it.

We are still reading our class novel. We have finished the first ten chapters and are looking forward to finding out what happens next.

We would like to wish a special Happy Birthday to Aziza, Louie and Jayden who all had birthdays over the easter break. We would also like to say Happy Birthday to Nikita who has his birthday next wednesday.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Mr. Minogue’s 4th Class:

Hi my name is Adam and I will be reading the news today.

Everyone in our class really loved our two weeks off for Easter, and we are so happy to be back in school and assembly.

In Maths, Mr Minogue’s group has been looking at division, and Mr Minogue is really impressed with how everyone has been doing in it.

In English, we have made over 100 pages of our book ‘Under the Hawthorn Tree’. We cannot wait to finish the book in a few weeks.

In PE, we tried a great new game called crab soccer on Thursday. We absolutely loved it and cannot wait to play it again.

Finally, we would like to wish Alfie a happy birthday as he turned 10 during the Easter Holidays.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Ms. Naughton’s 5th Class:

Hi my name is Tadgh and I will be reading the news.

We have had a lovely week back to school this week.

We have been learning about Italy in Geography. We learned about the food they eat and the super cars that come out of Italy. We also read the legend of Romulus and Remus and how they over threw the king that wanted to kill them.

In Gaeilge we are now focusing on the briathar neamhrialta. The boys and girls are really starting to pay attention to the tenses. A big well done to Tadgh and Aaron who have been giving extra effort this week.

In English we learned about space, the space station and the lives of the astronauts in space- even about how they use the toilet! Cillian could name all the planets in order from the sun!

We also started Peer Mediation training yesterday. Thank you to Mrs.Vaughan and Sandra for giving us their time. Everyone was very respectful and kind.

Ms.Naughton wants to say a big well done to all the children that went to Trinity on Wednesday, they were extremely well behaved and represented the school amazingly. She hopes they enjoyed learning about checking vitals and reflexes. They are also CPR pros now, so no need to worry if you need first aid!

Ms. Hevehan’s 5th Class:

Hi my name is Lexi and I will be reading the news for Ms. Hevehan’s 5th class. We have been working really hard this week after a lovely Easter break.

We had a great first peer mediation session yesterday. We are really looking forward to learning more about mediating, in preparation for next year.

Since the last assembly, we ran over 3000 laps of the hall and ran past Finland! We also enjoyed taking part in Seachtain na Gaeilge. We really embraced using Gaeilge throughout the day. We learned Irish dancing and sang some Irish songs.

This week, we have been learning about Italy in Geography and Romulus and Remus in History. We also learned about Michelangelo and his painting in the Sistine Chapel. In Science, we made butter by shaking cream in a jar and then tasted it on some cream crackers.

We are excited to perform for everyone at the end of assembly today. Have a nice weekend everyone!

Mr. Barrett’s 6th Class:

Hi my name is _____ and I’ll be reading the news for Mr Barrett’s class today. A big welcome back to all the boys and girls after a lovely Easter break. On Wednesday Jessica, Cailah and Thanvanth were lucky enough to get to go toTrinity College for Mini Med Day where they got to learn all about science and medicine with Professor Luke O’Neill. The news today cameras were there taking videos and doing interviews with all the students so a big well done to all the children for representing the school and their teachers so well! On Thursday the two 6th classes spent the whole day at the beach in Portmarnock thanks to Joanne from Dublin bus. Somehow we managed to pick the only three hours this month where the sun was shining and everyone had an amazing time. All the adults were really impressed with how well everyone behaved for the whole day and we’re really looking forward to our next trip away already. In English we’ve started a new class novel ‘The Hobbit’ which we’re all enjoying so far and in maths we’ve started learning about time and working hard on our word problems. Have a great weekend everyone!

Mr. Doyle's 6th Class:

Hi my name is Riley and this is the news for Mr Doyle's 6th class. We all. Had a lovely break and are ready for our last term. In St Anne's. We have been very busy in 6th class. Before the break we did research projects on different countries in Asia. Everyone worked really hard on them. The projects are on display in the senior corridor.

On Wednesday Molly Lucija and Lily went to Trinity College and Molly was interviewed for News2day on RTÉ. They got to meet students training to be nurses and doctors and learn about diseases. They practiced CPR and using a defibrillator. That's the machine that tries to restart a heart. They had a great time and learned a lot.

Yesterday we went to the beach in Portmarnock. It was lots of fun. The weather was warm and sunny, the water was cold but we didn't mind. The tide was out really far when we arrived and we had to cross the sand to get into the water. Some of us played football and others made sand castles and even buried themselves. By the time we were leaving the tide had come in and we had all had so much fun.

We are looking forward to lots of trips this month and preparing for the confirmation. That's all for now. Have a great weekend everyone.


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Kilcarrig Ave, Fettercairn, Dublin 24, Ireland
01 451 5850
© 2025 St. Anne's Primary School